2008年4月30日 星期三

The Book Store of Page One

When I was a high school student, I often went to the book store named "Page One" which located in the shopping center of Taipei 101. One time while I sat the floor browsing a traveling book in the Page One, a little foreign girl played around me. She run toing and froing, and laughing loudly. I was displeasing at that time because her action had disturbed me already though she is a naive and cute girl.

When I was trying to seek out her parents to let them know their kid had disturbed not only me but the other reader in that book store, the little girl's mother show up with a picture book. She said to the little girl "Look, what is that in the book? Can you tell me?"this picture book was attracted the little girl making the little girl sat down pageing the picture book quietly.

I standed up and walked away to another area of the book store. In the other area of Page One, I found there was a little Taiwaness boy did the same action as a little foreign girl did a moment ago. However, the little boy did not as lucky as the a little foreign girl, his mother so angry that scolded him harshly and even hit him. The boy cried loudly and was taken away by his mother quickly.

Two differents country's customs and two differents education mode making two differents children's life.

1 則留言:

Jenny 提到...

The content is attractive for me to finish it.

You can talk more about the two differents education modes.

(The follwing is your sentence.)
Two differents country's customs and two differents education mode making two differents children's life.

(Here is my correction)
The customs and educations of two different countries make two kinds of children's lifes.